
At Hillcrest, we know that volunteering has the power to change lives. Our volunteers know it too — they see how their service changes the spirits of a patient or the day of an employee — but they also see how volunteering has changed their own lives in a beautiful way. Volunteering at Hillcrest allows you to engage in a true community, meet new people who share their common interests, discover, learn, and develop new skills, as well as keep physically and mentally active. There are so many good aspects to volunteering at Hillcrest — the flexibility, the community, the perks — but what could be greater than knowing that you are changing life and the lives of those around you?


At Hillcrest, we understand that life is busy. Giving your time to volunteer is a great sacrifice. It is for this reason that we want volunteering at Hillcrest to be on your time and fit into your schedule. We would like to know what time slots are most convenient for you, so that we can build a schedule together.

We ask that our volunteers commit to spending at least 60 hours at Hillcrest, but you make the choice of completing those 60 hours in half a year or a whole year. Most of our volunteers come for their shift once a week, but this is not a requirement. We value whatever amount of time you can give us. If coming once or twice a month is a better fit for your schedule, then we are happy we to see you that often. 

We also understand when life events interfere with your volunteer shift. We do not expect you to find a replacement for your shift — we will take care of that. We simply ask that you please call your volunteer coordinators if you know you won’t be able to make it ahead of time.

At Hillcrest, we offer a wide variety of volunteer positions and we are constantly evolving our program so that we can offer more. From greeting patients at the registration desk to knitting for the babies in the NICU — our volunteers have the opportunity to engage in work that they love doing. It is our hope that by offering a variety of positions there will be something to fit the talents and interests of each of our volunteers.

We want your volunteer work at Hillcrest to reflect you — your skills, your needs, your experience, your interests. Discover which volunteer positions are a good fit for you by visiting our Volunteer Positions page.

If you explore our volunteer positions but don’t find something that seems right for you, please speak to a volunteer coordinator about it. They are constantly seeking new ideas to implement, new positions to add, and new ways to build up our program.

Our volunteers will tell you that being around other Hillcrest volunteers, coordinators and staff is like being surrounded by family. We work at creating a welcoming and social environment for our volunteers. We have a blast celebrating birthdays and holidays and recognize our volunteers throughout the year.